Having Faith Or Being Audacious? Why I Quit My 9-5 Job
Life is short. Too short to not love who you love, do the work you’re meant to do or make a difference where you can.

Young Women Are Going To Crash The Glass And Change The World
But not in the way you think.
Madam Presidents: Colleagues Share What Makes Their Job-Sharing Partnership Work
Betsy Polk and Maggie Ellis Chotas have been co-presidents of their company for 13 years. Learn more about how their job-sharing partnership works.

9 Lessons From An Ex-Googler For Women Who Dream Big
Former Google executive Stephanie Tilenius has some words of advice for other women who are trying to do something that’s never been done before.
GoldieBlox Founder On The Moment It All Clicked Into Place
Debbie Sterling was worried a rejection from the tech establishment would doom her business, but when she made connections outside the boys' club, everything clicked into place.

Gutsy Guy: Photographer Shares The Story Of 'Strong Women' Photo
Photographer who shot this viral hit opens up about how the photo came to be and what it means to him.

How Ebby Halliday Helped Me Believe In Myself
She never knew how much her words meant to me that day, but her encouragement was exactly what I needed to keep me pushing forward.

Ebby Halliday, Dallas Real Estate Mogul, Dies at 104
May this Gutsy Broad rest in peace, and may she inspire other women to live with purpose, focus and gusto.

She Spent Her Inheritance Starting A Magazine: 'My Mother Would Have Been Proud Of Me'
'Story' magazine founder Julie Wilson on what it's really like to be a publishing industry entrepreneur.

An Investor Wanted To Give Me $50,000. Here's Why I Said No
It was money they needed, but it came with strings attached.

She Knew A Great Market, But The Rest Was Trial By Fire
New city, new industry, new company: This founder built her dream from scratch.