Having Faith Or Being Audacious? Why I Quit My 9-5 Job
Life is short. Too short to not love who you love, do the work you’re meant to do or make a difference where you can.

Future Female Leaders — Cry, Show Your Battle Scars And Tell Your Own Story
Instead of trying to win in a man’s world, you’ll be able to change the game.

Young Women Are Going To Crash The Glass And Change The World
But not in the way you think.
Madam Presidents: Colleagues Share What Makes Their Job-Sharing Partnership Work
Betsy Polk and Maggie Ellis Chotas have been co-presidents of their company for 13 years. Learn more about how their job-sharing partnership works.

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With … Many, Many Questions
This move may be an exercise in resilience — at least at the outset — but it’s also an opportunity to take stock of my life and where it is heading.

World's Youngest Female Boeing 777 Commander: It Takes Passion And Patience
At 30, Anny Divya is the world's youngest female Boeing 777 commander.

She's Busy Leading The Next Industrial Revolution
This industrial engineer's advice for winning in a male-dominated field: Choose your attitude, "and let your work show who you are."

The Divine Secrets Of The Slide Rule Sisterhood
"It doesn't hurt a gal's femininity to ride to her man's job in a baby blue convertible she's paid for herself."

What Soul-Searching Perfectionists Can Learn From A Serial Risk-Taker
A thirst for knowledge led Maria Molfino down a winding career path. If she knew then what she does now, it wouldn't have taken so long.

How Ebby Halliday Helped Me Believe In Myself
She never knew how much her words meant to me that day, but her encouragement was exactly what I needed to keep me pushing forward.

Being Her Own Boss Beats The Pants Off Her STEM Desk Job
This developer left her steady gig for the fun and flexibility of real estate.

CEO Behind 'It Was Never A Dress' Changing The World, One Woman At A Time
While Axosoft's female empowerment campaign lights up social media, its leader is walking the walk back at the office.